Spilling The Beans
A book by Rodger Collins,
About the Author
Rodger Collins, author, singer, songwriter, producer, filmmaker, and extraordinary entertainer, enjoyed success with the blockbuster recording hit, “She's Looking Good,” which went straight to number one on the charts. This was followed by several more hits popular in the United States and internationally. Collins is honored that his works currently continue to sell, are covered by multiple artists on media platforms, and TV.
Spilling the Beans is not a “I know it and you don't” book. On the contrary it is just the opposite with the exception of a few instances. In this refreshing work he provides a laser focused searchlight that allows people to see themselves and come to their own conclusions. When asked, “Why this book?” Collins responded, “The reason why I wrote this book is because it is needed.”
Equity for Women
A wonderful journey into stories edifying women!
"If you only Knew Her"
See Page 63
This book is loaded and a must read filled with gems we overlook. The best description for Spilling the Beans is “A Book for the World.” Spilling the Beans, relates to good people everywhere. No matter their ethnicity or religion, nor whether they are female, male, young, old, rich or poor Rodger Collins has written A Book for the World. In it are gems we casually overlook or take for granted. Many foggy, opaque concepts are clarified in a style which is easy reading, heartfelt, funny, sad, educational, refreshing, inspirational, extremely informative, and motivational.
Spilling the Beans can bring you to tears as it illustrates fairly and proves the value of women and girls is equal to the value of men and boys. Rodger does an excellent job comparing the difference between the bully and the “ain't taking no mess real man.” This book shows how the real man is more than just some muscles. One short essay, Young People Go for It, takes a sharp look into the huge value, potential and courage of young people. Long overdue, on its pages are many, many, many more gems.
A MUST read for the World
Many times hearts are broken simply because of misunderstandings!
Example: Press Play to hear song
"Just one more time"
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Just One More Time Page 33
“I was getting my booster shot and the kind lady that was helping everyone fill out the forms asked me gently, ‘And what is your race?’
I quickly replied ‘HUMAN.’ I said, ‘What else can I be? I can’t be a giraffe.’ She responded with a big smile.” It’s about time for world exposure"
Read it in Spilling The Beans... page 47
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Sherman Moore
Military Veteran, Milwaukee Firefighter, and Hero gives the key to stopping heartaches
Spilling The Beans
and heartfelt song
" Just one more time"
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